Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My weekend Portraits

This weekend was the craziest weekend ever. I drove to my house in Somers to drop Arnold off (Arnold is my cat). It was Brenna's birthday so I went out with her friends and Alicia to some place in Springfield. We had dinner and then I drove to my momma's in Vernon. I woke up early and drove to my grandparents with my mom to go see Chicago on Broadway. It was amazing! Ashlee Simpson was Roxie which I wasn't sure I would enjoy but she actually did a great job. I shot my grandparents and aunt in the basement after dinner for some close portraits and they really came out great! Then I got an email from Lois Greenfield that she would like me to assist on a shoot for a dance wear company on Monday. I ofcourse accepted the opportunity! I then drove back to Connecticut to shoot Nanny and Pappa! They were wonderful and Nan fed me enough food for the week. I picked Jenny and Alyse up to help me and we had some fun. Alyse had her surgery and looked like she got beat up by a giant so we took some battered woman portraits . . . AWESOME! Hmm. . . then I dropped Alyse off and drove to Thomostan CT to my uncles to see my pop and have dinner with Mikey and Uncle Mike. Then I drove to Lucy's and celebrated her momma's birthday with the family! I slept at Lucy's and took a train from Fairfield to Grand Central at 5:40 am. I got to Lois's studio around 7:45 but didn't have to be there until 9am so I sat in Starbucks for a few hours and went up around 8:30am. I was there all day. I got out around 6pm then took a train from grand central back to Fairfield and then drove back to Somers woke up at 5am and drove to school this morning. WHOOO WHEE!
Lois and her staff were amazing but the studio was very crowded so I felt in the way a little bit. I am sure I will assist her again in the future. If you don't know of her, she is a very well known photographer who mostly photographs dancers. Check her out!
So, here are the portraits I shot this weekend. Enjoy!

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