Saturday, February 27, 2010

Phase 3 Final Portfolio

Here it is!!! My phase 3 final . . . finally done. I am pretty happy with most of my shots. For phase 3 we were given a list of 15 shots we had to complete by March 1st. The shots were very specific and we had to follow the assignment exactly or else we would loose points. I am really pleased with my portraiture but I show some weakness in my commercial work. Many you have seen before because this has been an on going assignment but here they are . . .

Public Relations (PR) shot and it's alternative
The alternative to this shot is really a much nicer horizontal with the skirt but the directions for this shot ask for a vertical so the shot isn't as strong as I would like it to be.

Family Portrait

Occupational Portrait
I used the wrong lens and distorted Melissa. woops.

High Key Female

Low Key Male

Executive Portrait

Child Portrait

Outdoor Portrait

Product Sheet
This was the last thing I did and did not want to travel all the way to Holyoke to buy something for my product so I went to CVS and bought hair curlers. eh


Front Page Brochure

Middle Spread Brochure

Back Page Brochure

Reflective Metal




Still Life

1 comment:

  1. These are incredible! My favorites are the glasswear, still life, and little miss J-Rod. You captured exactly who she is with that photo. You are an impressive little booger!!!!!!!!! Congrats Bell
